Processes for Human Resource Management
Those who sell or produce more are not necessary future successful managers. The use of merely technical criteria for promoting managers at various levels leads to failure and frustration. A successful company needs to have proper criteria for talent identification and promotion, as well as feedback and learning mechanisms. We can contribute to the design and implementation of a system that is transparent, trustworthy and performant.
A good evaluation system is an essential management tool and internalizing those competencies or success criteria they include is the secret for success. The passion and perseverance that drives those who understand that is the key to personal and professional success. We can help you do it either by designing a Performance Appraisal System, or by doing Assessment Centers, or both.
Assessment Centers for Managers
If you are changing the organizational design due to restructuring or a merger/acquisition process, we can help with the evaluation of the managers through designing and organizing an Assessment center or conducting focused, one-to-one discussions.
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